Passive cooling

Passive cooling, frequently asked questions

  • Eutectic plates

    How does a eutectic plate work ?

    A eutectic plate is a device designed to store thermal energy, in the form of heat or cold, and then to release it gradually to maintain a specific temperature. It works on the thermodynamic principle of phase change, i.e. the transformation of a solution from liquid to solid state and vice versa.

    The eutectic plate absorbs the heat from outside the container while releasing a constant amount of cold. It is by passing from the solid to the liquid state, by the absorption-release phenomenon, that the eutectic plate maintains a constant temperature inside the insulated container.

  • Eutectic plates

    What are the parameters that guarantee the effectiveness of a eutectic plate ?

    How effective a eutectic plate is depends on several parameters, namely:

    • The capacity of the eutectic solution: the choice of solution is decisive. It must be selected taking account of the temperature range required to maintain products at the target temperature. Each temperature range [+2°C/+4°C, +2°C/+8°C, +15°C/+25°C, etc.] has a specific application;
    • The model of plate: the size and shape of the eutectic plate are two decisive factors as they are adapted to specific models of container;
    • The container: good thermal insulation prevents the transfer of heat, thereby maximising the performance de the eutectic plate (temperature maintenance time);
    • The method of preparation: the eutectic plate must be completely solid when it is used. It is as it liquefies that it releases the cold that keeps the products at the right temperature. For more details, you can download the protocol in the section Using eutectic plates;
  • Eutectic plates

    What is eutectic plate used for ?

    The eutectic plate is a device filled with an aqueous, saline solution and a food colouring. It absorbs heat input during transport and provides continuous cooling through the latent heat of fusion of the eutectic solution, which changes from a solid to a liquid state. Better suited to medium-sized logistics operations, the eutectic plate is a simple refrigeration system that maintains the temperature of products for 12 to 24 hours maximum.

Olivo’s insulated containers are designed with high-quality insulating materials (PU foam) that minimize thermal exchange with the external environment. These insulating materials act as an effective barrier against heat and cold, allowing for a stable temperature to be maintained inside the container for an extended period without requiring an external energy source.

Passive cooling is a cooling method that harnesses natural phenomena without resorting to mechanical or electrical devices. This method relies on the use of materials and designs that exploit the principles of thermodynamics to maintain low temperatures. Passive cooling leverages natural resources and thermodynamic principles to keep temperatures cool without requiring additional energy.

In conclusion, passive cooling represents an effective and economical solution for maintaining the temperature of temperature-sensitive products in cold logistics.

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